Monday, January 26, 2009

Classics I have in my bookcase

I thought I would list the classics I have at home. I would like to keep our first classic limited to one of these.

Black Beauty Anna Sewell
Anne of Greene Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery
Eight Cousins Louisa May Alcott
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Little Men Louisa May Alcott
Charlotte's Web EB White
Heidi Johanna Spyri
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen

I would like to start February 1. So which one should we start with?


Anonymous said...

Pride and Prejudice, in the old fashioned, unabridged version, may be a little much. I found the same with Oliver and The Scarlet Letter. The Old English makes for difficult reading. We checked Pride and Prejudice out from the library and it was about 13 hours long, but we really enjoyed it. You tend to pick up the meaning when someone is talking to you rather than trying to discepher the words as you are trying to read. I would think if you can loan it from the library and follow along in the book, wouldn't that be the same as reading it? That is one story you wont be disappointed!

MyKidsMom said...

@Anonymous - I think that is true you would pick up the meaning from hearing the words. But I think part of the "reading" of the books is to actually "see" the words. The discephering of the words is part of what I want my children to learn. By the way, Thanks for being the very first comment!! That should win you a prize if I had any.

Lepidoptera said...

Anne of GG, Little Women, Eight Cousins, and Charlotte's Web among other classics are on our bookshelves. I was given Eight Cousins years ago as a birthday present and never read it so I did read it aloud to my girls a few years ago. I think that your blog is a great idea, and I agree that I want my children to also read the words and appreciate them. Hearing them is good but it is different.