Saturday, February 7, 2009

Marilla makes up her mind (Ch. 6)

Well, she sort of makes up her mind. She didn't say they would keep Anne.

Nancy is the person responsible for Anne being at Green Gables. Did Nancy have an ulterior motive? Did she want a playmate? Or was she just being flighty? I'm so glad that Marilla decided not to send Anne with Mrs. Peter Bluett. Of course, Marilla didn't want the memory of a helpless little creature who found herself in yet another inescapable trap to haunt her until her dying day.

fractious - readily angered; peevish; irritable; quarrelsome:
benevolent - characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
blight - the rapid and extensive discoloration, wilting, and death of plant tissues
superfluous - being more than is sufficient or required; excessive
gimlet - a small tool for boring holes (so Mrs. Bluett could bore holes right through a person)

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