Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Tempest in the School Teapot (ch 15)

A few quotes .........

"maples are such sociable trees, said Anne; they are always rustling and whispering to you,"
This is the second time she has mentioned the trees whispering.

"excruciatingly" Not a good idea to hurt Anne's feelings excruciatingly.

"It is possible the matter might have blown over without more excruciation if nothing else had happened. But when things begin to happen they are apt to keep on." How true.

"You harrow up my very soul." What?

"tremenjusly" There it is again.

All I can say is. Poor Gilbert Blythe.

ebullition - the act or process of boiling up

ostentatiously - intended to attract notice

harrow - to disturb keenly or painfully

1 comment:

Tina said...

I first came across the word "harrow" in "Farmer Boy" (part of the Little House on the Prairie series) and it was a farmint term- to toil up the dirt repeatedly and thoroughly (my definition not Webster's). So when Anne used it to define a feeling it took on a new aspect for me.